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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Online Security

The following information can help you protect your information when using our online services. While Altabank maintains a high level of security on our systems, we can’t control how customers protect their own information. The following are suggestions to help protect you online.

Online Banking Best Practices

Do not share your login information with anyone else. If you think your information has been compromised, change your password immediately online and call us at 1-800-815-BANK (2265).

Choose a hard-to-guess password by using random letters and numbers. Do not use words that can be found in a dictionary or information related to you, such as your name, address, birth date, etc.

Disable auto-complete or similar features on any computer you use for online banking.

Do not write down your password or reveal it to anyone.

Change your password regularly.

Remember to log out when you are finished banking online or are leaving the computer unattended.
Avoid using unfamiliar computers to conduct any online banking, as they may be compromised.

Avoid using regular email to share information about your account with Altabank.


Keep your system and applications current with updates from vendor websites. For example, use Windows® update feature and install any critical updates and service packs that are available.

Use virus and spyware protection software and keep it up-to-date in order to detect new threats.

Use a software or hardware firewall to protect your computer from network intrusion.

Make sure that any wireless network to which you connect your computer is secure and requires data encryption.

Do not download files, install software or open email attachments from unverified or unknown sources.


Use a secure browser

Check that your browser is compliant with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) standards by looking for the small padlock at the bottom right of your browser window and a URL that begins with https (“s” for “secure”). This ensures your private information is scrambled to prevent unauthorized access.

Be wary of phishing emails

These may appear to be from your bank but are really from criminals trying to lure you to a fake website to get your personal information. Never click on embedded links if you are suspicious; instead, contact your bank to verify the authenticity of the email.

Watch out for fraudulent websites

Always check to see that you have typed the correct website address for your bank before conducting a transaction. Beware of copycat websites that deliberately use a name very similar to that of a real financial institution in an effort to trick you into disclosing personal information.

Beware of pop-ups

Watch out for sudden pop-up windows asking for personal information or warning of a virus. This is called “scareware” because it frightens people into providing information or downloading malicious software.

Log off and close your browser

Since browsers cache, or store, information that has been entered or viewed during secure connections, it may be possible to view personal information after you close the session. This is especially important when using a public or shared computer. You reduce this risk by logging off the online banking website (not just clicking the “X” in the top right corner of the browser) and exiting your browser. You may also consider clearing your disk and memory cache (methods vary for how to do this depending on browser type, but usually include adjusting your Internet options).

Additional Resources

Altabank will never solicit your personal information by phone, auto-dialer, text message, email or providing links within an email requesting that you update your information. You will not receive any email notification asking you to click a link or visit a website to unlock your account or to provide any private information unless otherwise requested by you through the online banking password self-reset feature. If you receive an email or phone call requesting confidential information from someone claiming to represent Altabank, please do not respond.

Please be aware of these types of phishing scams designed to obtain information from you.

The information provided here is not intended to be legal advice from Altabank.

Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.